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Find out what websites using X-Frame-Options Header

X-Frame-Options Header
The X-Frame-Options HTTP response header can be used to indicate whether or not a browser should be allowed to render a page in a <frame>, <iframe>, <embed> or <object>. Sites can use this to avoid clickjacking attacks, by ensuring that their content is not embedded into other sites.


http header

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Websites Using X-Frame-Options Header

These are the top websites usings X-Frame-Options Header based on traffic.

Website Office Locations Technology spend Traffic
youtube.com us Very High
google.com Very High
instagram.com Very High
s.w.org Very High
itunes.apple.com Very High
play.google.com Very High
youtu.be Very High
wordpress.org Very High
microsoft.com Very High
blogger.com Very High
amazon.com Very High
goo.gl ph at Very High
maps.google.com Very High
flickr.com de gb us Very High
adobe.com +100 Very High
windows.microsoft.com Very High
support.google.com Very High
wordpress.com +100 Very High
wp.me Very High
s3.amazonaws.com Very High
forbes.com +100 Very High
soundcloud.com Very High
apple.com us ph Very High
amazon.co.uk gb Very High
theguardian.com Very High
developers.google.com Very High
samsung.com Very High
myspace.com us Very High
support.apple.com Very High
bbc.co.uk +100 Very High
opera.com no sg Very High
slideshare.net Very High
etsy.com ph us ie +100 Very High
reddit.com ph Very High
irishtimes.com Very High
Website Location Technology spend Traffic